Future Consciousness

Welcome to the Future, where mind control reigns supreme! Master it and you'll escape the lab, and adapt to the world in 2073.

Technology used: Unity 3D, C#, Emotiv Epoc

Premise: The game is set in the year 2073. The player is a cryonics patient who has recently been woken up. The body was frozen in 2016 to reduce injury, but restored to full health when the cure was found. Unfortunately, due to the effects of the treatment the subject's mind has been compromised.

The player is guided through instructions and hints to escape the lab they wake up in. This is to act as both a guideline to living comfortably in 2073 and to test whether they are worthy of being given immortality.

How it works:
The game is developed using Emotiv Epoc. Thus, it is based on brain-computer interactions.

What is the Emotiv Epoc: I’m glad you asked! the Emotic Epoc is a headset designed for scalable and contextual human brain research. It provides access to professional grade brain data with a quick and easy-to-use design. 

There are two parts to it: Mental Training: relying on the Emotiv headset and Physical Challenges that use the keyboard.

The 'Training' aspect comes in a way of asking the player to clear his/her mind and think solely about one action at a time, and use that skill to control objects in order to escape some rooms. 

The 'Challenges' aspect comes in moving from one room to another, as the player might fall off the map and slip to their death.

The game space consists of two floors, connected by up-down elevators and 12 rooms connected by moving platforms.

To play you need the Emotiv Epoc, a keyboard, and a mouse. The challenges in the rooms are to be completed by brain activities using Emotiv while mobility is achieved with W,A,S,D for directions, and space bar for jumping. The shift button is used to sprint which makes the player’s movement speed greater and their jump reach further. The mouse is used to change the angle of perception the player has.


  • The idea was to create a game that could be played handsfree, unfortunately this wasn’t enough as the technology is not quite there yet.

  • Designing the space in 3D, while keeping in mind the content of the mental challenges 

  • Programming for Emotiv Epoc

You can push, pull, rotate, and destroy objects, simply by thinking about it!!
You’re also required to mimic certain facial expressions

Result: The demo version of the game can be seen on youtube (links below)

Future Outcomes: If given a budget, this game can be developed a lot further. As technology advances, and Emotiv becomes more accurate, a lot more emotions and thoughts can be used and processed to activate certain acts in game. More levels can be developed! More creative tasks would become a reality, and this project may have started as an entry into the field, but there’s so much that can be explored with Emotiv Epoc. 


Rise of the Human Race (ROHR)


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